Monday, June 20, 2011

Anne-James Chaton

Not really how to describe this, Anne-James Chaton is a French artist/poet/electronic artist who makes beats out of stray phrases, then reads essentially random series' of letters and numbers from ticket stubs and other disposable media over that...It sounds odd -- and let's face it, it is odd -- but it's also fascinating, hypnotic and, on some level, weirdly moving. There's something about the way that the murmuring backdrop, the endless streams of meaningless numbers, pulls short and you hear the phrase clearly at the end of each section. It has some bearing on the way we live, I think, inundated by streams of data and only occasionally able to see the point. I find it oddly affecting.

His latest album, Événements 09 is out now on Raster-Norton. Brad LaBonte picked it as his #1 through the first half of 2011, so you can read about it from the perspective of someone who actually knows what he's talking about by going here

Here Chaton is performing...


Ian said...

That is pretty cool.

jenniferpkelly said...

Isn't it?

I'm liking that EMA.