My live review of Nobunny appears today in Blurt.
Nobunny appeared late, having waited until the very last minute, and past it, through tense conversations between members of his band and the staff. He came out, from god knows where, finally, face obscured behind a dirty, long-furred, animal mask. He wore, on top, a short leather jacket, on the lower half, not much of anything at all, black jockey shorts, a long handcuff dangling from one thigh, and bare legs, exposing an elaborate tattoo on one calf. He was disguised as a rabbit, not the cuddly, Easter-basket-filling, carrot-nibbling type, but rather a rabid, feral, sharp-toothed version, maybe the one that mauled Jimmy Carter all those years ago. You could have nightmares about this animal. Forget Frightened Rabbit. This is frightening rabbit.
This was fun to read. "Nobunny's genius - the reason he unsettled as much as he entertained -- came in juxtaposing an essentially conservative, hetero-garage playbook with the wildest sorts of gender confusion" - sign me up!
Thanks, Andrew. Should I go see Wye Oak?
I've never seen them so I'm not sure. It's been awhile since I've even heard a Wye Oak song.
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