Monday, December 13, 2010

Pink Frost

I have been kind of depressed lately…not sleeping well, antsy, worried about money as usual. I’m not working enough and starting to worry that this is not just the recession, but possibly I’ve lost my edge and will never get back to a place where I can support my family comfortably. So, anyway, I’ve been not a lot of fun to be around lately, but made an effort over the weekend. We went to get a Christmas tree, which was oddly stressful and unrewarding, and then to a youth production of “Fiddler on the Roof”, though to get there, we had to drive through a terrible rainstorm, where you could hardly see five feet ahead. Anyway, we tried to do some fun stuff, but none of it was very much fun, if you know what I mean. Oh, yeah, I went out for a run on Sunday and slipped on a skim of ice and fell and hit my back and head…so even that didn’t work out very well. It’s been an odd, kind of punishing few weeks, where pretty much everything turns to shit.

One mildly good thing, though I can’t say it offset the above, we got “Pink Frost” twice on the random play on the way down to Brattleboro, so, with no reviews for the foreseeable future (Dusted’s gone to best of lists which are worth checking, too), here’s a video of that.


francksauzee said...

Sorry to hear that Jenny. I really hope things pick up for you soon. I love "Pink Frost", not their cheeriest song but probably my fav.


jenniferpkelly said...

Oh, thanks, Simon. It is a pretty great song, isn't it?

Ian said...

Yikes. Hope things start looking up soon...

jenniferpkelly said...

Me, too. I've been doing some mailings, maybe something will come of it after the holidays.

michaeldustdevil said...

feel better Jen... XXX