Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cobra Verde's covers album

Ian was asking about this, and I'm pretty sure it's gotten hard to find, so I thought I'd just put it up for a while. It's Cobra Verde's Copycat Killers, an all-covers albums with versions of songs by Pink, the Rolling Stones, New Order (hi Ian), the Fall (hi Michael), Leonard Cohen, and, ahem, Donna Summer.

It's pretty killer and i'm not just saying that because it's in the album title and I'm suggestable.

Well maybe I am.

Try here.


Ian said...

I actually own more Fall than New Order, I think, but that's partly down to the differences in their respective discographies. Thanks for this!

michaeldustdevil said...

an enjoyable soundtrack to preparing enchiladas... i own more Fall than anything or anyone else...

jenniferpkelly said...

Oh sure, but how are you guys set on Donna Summer?

michaeldustdevil said...

i have Lost In Music covered by The Fall, does that count?... no wait, that was Sister Sledge i think...

jenniferpkelly said...

It only counts if Burma's "Donna Sumeria" counts.

michaeldustdevil said...

deal then!

Ian said...

Not sure I actually own any Donna Summer, but I certainly appreciate her (and not just "I Feel Love"/"Hot Stuff").

jenniferpkelly said...

Ian's a pop-ist.

jenniferpkelly said...

Actually, at one point, John told me he was covering "I Feel Love" (in an interview, we weren't hanging out), and I was thinking about "Love to Love you Baby," where she simulates orgasm right in the middle of the song...and sort of wondering how he was going to do that.