Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Nightingales...maybe their best ever

The Nightingales, in more or less continuous, cantankerous existence since the early 1980s, have a new album out and it’s damned good, maybe their best ever. Here’s a bit from my review at Blurt, up yesterday.

“Age has not mellowed the wrath of Robert Lloyd. The Nightingales frontman, who got his start opening for the Clash and the Slits in early 1980s Prefects, has lost not an ounce of his bile and mordant humor in this, his band's third album since a 2004 reunion. Silkily malevolent, over the clash and clatter of a kicking band, he murmurs withering asides and surreal observations.” More

The Nightingales did a live show on WFMU a couple of months ago. Listen here.


michaeldustdevil said...

great!... apart from the typo... it's Prefects, not Presets...



jenniferpkelly said...

Oh shit, how could I have done that? I fixed it here...now I've got to get Blurt to do likewise. What a blithering idiot I am sometimes.

jenniferpkelly said...

Great album, though...highly recommended...the whole reason I got interested in the Nightingales to begin with.

michaeldustdevil said...

heeheehee... XXX