Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cool drones from Psychic Ills

Here’s a good one for all you fans of space rock, experimental improv and freaky-ass guitar effects…recommended for people who like Bardo Pond, Spaceman 3, NNCK, the Vocokesh and, in general, that crazy Terrastock vibe.

Psychic Ills
Mirror Eye
The Social Registry

Psychic Ills slips a bit further from songcraft, a bit deeper into shadowy ethno-drones in this, their second proper full-length, splicing the tribal sounds of caravan percussion to space-age guitar effects and synthesizer sounds. Though usually compared to interstellar overdrivers like Spaceman 3, here the band sounds more like NNCK, improvisatory, foreboding and tethered loosely to Middle Eastern and African rhythms.


“Fingernail Tea”

Also the Social Registry label is also giving away a mixtape with cuts from their 2008 stable of artists…interesting stuff, give it a spin. (MP3s don’t actually spin, do they? Well give it a try. You know what I mean.)


michaeldustdevil said...

well, i guess that's me hooked then...

jenniferpkelly said...

I was thinking you might bite.

michaeldustdevil said...

i haven't listened yet but it's sat on my desk top ready to load...

jenniferpkelly said...

I just loaded up Aiden Moffat, but I've gotten distracted by Blackout Beach...sigh.

michaeldustdevil said...

Blackout Beach?... just enjoying this right now as i sweep the floors... you never steer me wrong...

jenniferpkelly said...

Blackout Beach is the guy from Frog Eyes, Carey Mercer...it's pretty cool, like Frog Eyes but a little more synthetic and beat-structured.

michaeldustdevil said...

just downloading "Skin Of Evil"... XXX

jenniferpkelly said...

Excellent, but what do you need me for?

michaeldustdevil said...

your inspiration & witty rejoinders...