Friday, January 23, 2009

Dreamend’s psychedelic pop

Ryan Graveface sent me a DL link to this record last summer, along with one for Hospital Ships, which I was reviewing for Blurt. I ended up really liking it and reviewing it for PopMatters, finally. It seems to share a certain aesthetic with the rest of the Graveface roster, or as I put it in the review “ weaving in the trippy guitar psychedelia of Black Moth Super Rainbow, the shimmering textures of Experimental Aircraft, the subliminal, lucid-dream-like lyricism of Hospital Ships. And more than that, it reaches backwards into the skewed pop traditions of Elephant 6 mainstays like Olivia Tremor Control and Circulatory System, the reverbed guitar atmospherics of David Kilgour and the most mystical, transcendent elements of Neil Young. “

The rest of the review is here:

“Are You Waking”

Also, I had a really interesting interview yesterday with Nels Cline...talking to his twin brother Alex next week...should be a good one.


michaeldustdevil said...

i really like this lp, almost made my top 20...

jenniferpkelly said...

Really? How cool. How did you find it?

michaeldustdevil said...

i just read about it on a blog & down loaded on a whim... & it got me...