Thursday, December 18, 2008

an interview with an unusually perceptive freelancer

no fucking clue who it is...

Try here


cuddlefish said...

Thanks for the music therapy Jenny. Love the last quote:

I think some people's job is to capture the consensus. I pity those people. The consensus is usually awful.

I pity the fools. I really do...

jenniferpkelly said...

Shhhhh! It's a secret.

Very exciting. Christgau has weighed in.

Ian said...

I couldn't read more than maybe half of that interview. Too depressing.

michaeldustdevil said...

i like people who don't get payed for the things they do but still do it because they love it so damn much!... taking of which, me & Tom are doing a gig up in my neck of the woods which we won't get payed for soon... scaring the shit of the locals will be payment enough...

jenniferpkelly said...

Ian, I'm not sure it is depressing. Working for a very small amount of money on stuff you don't believe in would be depressing. Working for free on stuff you love is kind of fun.

Michael, you know how I feel about scaring the shit out of locals. Always a good idea.

So you have wireless on your mountain? Lucky dog.

I've been raiding your blog for all kinds of good stuff, thanks!


michaeldustdevil said...

wireless yes... it's just that it's a little like living on the set of Twin Peaks...

that is what the bog is for... XXX