Sunday, December 14, 2008

Fuck yeah…other people’s lists

So I’m at the tea shop charging up my laptop, and idly rifling through the WFMU blog, and I find Brian Turner’s year-end list, which includes a band named Wounded Lion, and god-damn, he’s right, it’s awesome.

Here is a video of “Pony People”

Also on his list Mayyors, awesome hard-assed punk. (There is a wholly objectionable, nasty, gory video of “White Jeep” on YouTube, with better sound quality, but I just can’t put it on my blog page.)

I’m gonna check out the rest when I have more time, maybe tomorrow.


cuddlefish said...

I'm lovin' Pony People. Gonna hafta find the other song from that single. Thanks Jen.

p.s. hope you get your power back soon.

michaeldustdevil said...

loving the Wounded Lion... listening right now...

jenniferpkelly said...

We are back on the grid, hurray!

michaeldustdevil said...

very pleased for you!!!... Mxxx