Monday, December 8, 2008

My year-end essay is up...

Check it out here


michaeldustdevil said...


jenniferpkelly said...

Thanks Michael...I always feel like Dusted's retarded cousin Everybody else is hyped about limited edition, Ukrainian pink vinyl and here I am gaga over Escovedo. Sigh...

cuddlefish said...

Good to see Austin represented :)

My final favorites of 2008 list

jenniferpkelly said...

Everybody should check out Clif's's very good and he is a fellow fan of Experimental Aircraft.

michaeldustdevil said...

i've looked already... it's good... Experimental Aircraft came close to being in mine also...

Ian said...

I really like the little I've heard of the Experimental Aircraft and Human Bell records, but I think we've just got a few records overlapping (Stars Like Fleas, Lost Wisdom). Escovedo is just under my top twenty, though, and I may come to regret not rating him higher.

After looking at Clif's list, I note that ever since one of my record store coworkers saw Izo he's been playing a lot of Kazuki Tomokawa at the store. Fun stuff.

Ian said...

Whoops, forgot to mention: Really good year-end essay. 2008 hasn't felt all that hot-shit to me with regards to music, but I don't think it's been a bad year; I just don't think I've been paying that much attention.

jenniferpkelly said...

Thanks Ian. It seems like a lot of the people who are complaining about how tepid 2008 was were listening to the same 10 records.

Oh, and thanks for the reminder. I've got your EA sitting right here, and I was just waiting to get one of those manila envelopes...and then I forgot. I'll definitely get it out this week, sorry.


Ian said...

No worry at all, I had forgotten you were sending it! I'll be happy to get it though, that's for sure.