Thursday, April 1, 2010

New mix for spring

Wow, have I been lazy about blogging lately. I've had this mix for a few weeks -- actually I could probably do another one with new stuff at the moment -- but haven't had time to upload it. It starts kinda mellow but really gets going near the end. Hope you like it. Here's the track listing

Jack Rose "Tree in the Valley"
Laura Gibson and Ethan Rose, "Old Waters"
Eluvium, "The Motion Makes Me Last"
Moon Duo, "Escape"
Rocky Votalato, "Red River"
Wolf People, "Black Water"
Liars, "Scarecrows on a Killer Slant"
These New Puritans, "Attack Music"
The Soft Pack, "Pull Out" (My favorite song of 2010 as of right this moment)
Quasi, "Little White Horse"
EAster Monkeys "Take Another Pill"
The Splinters, "Sea Salt Skin"

Download here

I'm interviewing this guy from Plants & Animals tonight, probably should listen to the record a couple more times.


blxl said...

You might find this interesting.

We refer to it as "Analog Music from a Lost World" -- previously unreleased post-punk experimental rock from 1981, unlike anything else recorded before or after.

"It’s out there but a really good listen...some awesome experimental work." — Richmond Playlist

"It’s challenging music made by a collection of people who know what the f_ck they’re talking about when it comes to records...fantastic record...holds its own unique feel and straight weirdness. What more could you want?" --

"...enjoyed it immensely! Odd, odd sounds, but funky in a twisted way." —

"...a comment i had from an anonymous friend made me to move my old fat ass and write about this unique lost treasure, post-punk mixed with avant-rock, filled with spastic rhythms and synths in a very New York-ish manner, something like a No Wave Beefheart, if he was a female..." —

"It's amazing!" -- Gibraltar Encyclopedia of Progressive Rock

"...pretty weird: mixtures of grrl band vocals, psych rock and spaced-out guitar, and 60s style poetic verse.
Pretty weird, in the good way." —

"Once again, those lovely folks over at WFMU beat us all to the punch with another chunk of previously unknown avant/post-punk brilliance circa 1981, proving that no matter how much you root around, there's always another truffle waiting to be dug up..." --

“...lovely and odd...” -- No Rock and Roll

"It reminds me at times of early Sonic youth. To be honest I love anything which contains deranged female warblings. You can listen to or download the whole thing from the Free Music Archive website. Well worth an hour of your time." --

"...some hefty grooves, and plenty of 'holy shit" moments'. It's a spacious but highly rewarding listen, and I wouldn't be surprised if some label makes an effort to press this on vinyl in the near future." --

Jason Sigal, Managing Director at WFMU said:
"This is amazing stuff and we would be honored to feature it in wfmu's curated portal on the free music archive. I'm very sorry for our slow response, we have a lot of stuff to wade through to find gems like these."

jenniferpkelly said...

Hah, look at Bill reaching out to my five loyal readers to spread the word!

I'm not sure how I feel about this type of guerrilla marketing, but I did check out one of the tracks at FMA and it's pretty interesting.

blxl said...


First, I'll apologize for barging in, if you like: Please excuse my intrusion -- and please notice that I'm not selling anything.

It's difficult for anyone to get their music heard these days and anything one can do to improve their chances is worthwhile, isn't it? That's how I got the folks at WFMU to listen -- and they loved it.

Like other experimental work, it's not for everyone, but I supposed that another woman might be at least amused to hear someone who's now a middle-aged mother of two cut loose like a frisky pony cavorting through a minefield.

As you can see, some (probably) unprepared folks were surprised HOW much they liked it. And I hope you do too.

I've been approached by a label in NY about releasing this stuff on vinyl, so you may be hearing more about it soon.

If you write us a glowing review, I'll include you on my list, thereby gaining your blog some more attention at the same time. What a deal! Or is this just another form of corruption?

I'll be back to visit.

Thanks for responding,
Bill Altice
Richmond, VA

jenniferpkelly said...

I know it's hard, that's why I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and not removing the comment.

I still think it's pushy to post several hundred words, apropos of nothing, about yourself on someone else's blog.

robp said...

Hey Jen,

Playing mix now, enjoying as expected, thank you. You may want to work on your mix titles, though. Maybe just keep adding "er" to the "New Mix" title. This would at some point get you to "Newererererererer Mix," a title which should probably be accompanied by drool, but us music freeloaders should accept the slobbery without complaint.

As to Bill, I'm hoping it's just a youthful lack of manners. He gave the same response to a post on another music blog I follow.

Basic party etiquette: save your extended rambles for those who already like you. And extreme party etiquette: don't equate a woman you don't know to a "middle-aged mother" unless you want a bottle smashed over your head.

ALSO: don't spam other peoples' posts then have your own page protected. "Bill" does that. If this were my own page, I might use the words that define someone who behaves like that.

Oh, shit, Jen, took so long to write this your mix finished. I'll listen more carefully next time.



jenniferpkelly said...

Hi, Rob. I hope you like the mix. I will try to mix up the names more, so to speak. You're right.

And yeah, the usual protocol would be to email me and send links to tracks and see if I wanted to write something. I probably wouldn't, though, so i can see why the guy would go straight for the empty billboard.

I am a middle aged mom, but I don't see that it's very relevant in this context.

If I was a cranky old man, I could yell at him to get off my lawn, I guess.