Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Eluvium…at long last

Hey, look, my Eluvium interview ran today at Pop Matters. Very exciting. I personally feel that it’s a good one, and my husband, Bill, said it was the best thing I’d ever written on process…so that’s cool.

Here’s a link

I went to see the Hold Steady last night and had a pretty great time, but so, so tired today, and also very busy, more later.


michaeldustdevil said...

interesting stuff!

jenniferpkelly said...

Thanks Michael. I'm so glad they ran this finally. I was starting to worry about it.

Ian said...

I've got three in the pipeline myself right now, so I sympathize with the worry.

I got half way through that interview, went "this is really good, I wonder if it's Jenny?" and sure enough...

jenniferpkelly said...

Thanks Ian, who have you got in the pipe?