Thursday, August 27, 2009

Somebody else reviews the new JOMF at Dusted

You can’t write about friends at Dusted, or at least you’re not supposed to. In fact, you’re not supposed to write about people you occasionally exchange emails with or see around town which, for me, probably knocks out Michael Yonkers, Reid Paley, Chris Brokaw, Amargosa, Black Swans and the Man Man dudes…But mostly, it excludes my friend Michael Dustdevil, who plays a fairly prominent role on the new Jackie-O Motherfucker record, reviewed by Daniel Levin Baker today at Dusted.

Hey, at least someone did it. He says:

Jackie-O Motherfucker is, at this point, one of life’s little inevitabilities. We can just kind of assume that Tom Greenwood, with a revolving cast of wayfarers who do their time with him in between more refined/less catchall projects (see Adam Forkner and Honey Owens, for two), will continue to follow some erratic astral muse, and that we’ll never go for too long without a new slab of exemplary industrio-rural drone to chew on, some more infallible, sun-deprived grooves for our campfires in outer space. No good reason to want it any other way.

The rest


michaeldustdevil said...

i challenge someone to review the lp i'm about to put out with Bendle!

jenniferpkelly said...

Is it done?

michaeldustdevil said...

bit over half way there...