Thursday, June 4, 2009

New song from the Clean

I haven't listened yet, because I'm back on dial-up, but I know that some of you will be very psyched about a new song and an upcoming album from the Clean.

The new song is called "Dreamlife Rubber Soul"

The album, Mr. Pop, is due out on Merge in early September.

Oddly enough, that makes 2009 the year that three for three of the great New Zealand pop bands produced new all know about the Bats, The Guilty Office, and now Mr. Pop -- the Chills have something new coming as well.


michaeldustdevil said...

this is a very good thing... & it sounds like The Clean... so nowt wrong there... do you have that live lp "Mashed" they did last year?... 'cause that is very good too...

jenniferpkelly said...

I think someone sent me the live thing, but it was called "Pink Slush" at the time...same thing probably? It was super rough.

michaeldustdevil said...

i do have a live Clean lp called "Slush Fund" also... maybe this one is different...