Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Oh, heavy snow…

We are in the middle of a pretty big snow storm today (maybe 8-10 inches today, more coming on Thursday). It is soft and wet and very heavy, absolutely perfect for snowmen or forts or what have you, but we are all, suddenly, too mature for that sort of thing. (14 is so much older than 12.) Anyway, I don’t have much to blog about at the moment, so I thought I would share this lovely little performance video from Julie Doiron at SXSW last year, singing “Heavy Snow”

I was at this show, but I don't think you can see me in the video.


michaeldustdevil said...

that is so pretty!... & here i am, in the pacific north west in a t-shirt, mowing the lawn... 60 fucking degrees!!!

Jean-Luc Garbo said...

Pictures like that make me wish I was still in NY.

jenniferpkelly said...

Pretty, yes, but kind of a pain.