Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Soft Pack...and some lame excuses

Hey, sorry, I’ve been interviewing people all this week and last and just haven’t been cranking out the reviews…so it looks like I’m not doing anything, but in fact I am.

Anyway, kind of loving this new self-titled from the Soft Pack, out of San Diego and formerly The Muslims. It’s sharp, tight, unsentimental guitar punk, not genre-busting or particularly thought-provoking but hella fun. Here’s the giveway.

“Answer to Yourself”

The record's out on Kemado right now, so what are you waiting for?


Jean-Luc Garbo said...

Yeah, this was a good record. It didn't rock me, but it was enjoyable. I listened to it after getting down to all of that Brunettes record and they pared well. Can you discuss who you've interviewed? Will they be at Blurt?

jenniferpkelly said...

Um, yeah, let's see, interviews:
Clogs (multiple interviews)
Rocky Votolato
Sharon Van Etten (already up)
Puerto Muerto (last night)
Eluvium (Friday)

I've gone back to doing a few (read: one at a time) interviews for PopMatters. Rocky Votolato and Eluvium will go there eventually. Puerto Muerto is for Venus, which came back into existence the same day I asked if I could still do interviews for PopMatters. And Clogs and Sharon were for Blurt.

Jean-Luc Garbo said...

I look forward to the Eluvium one. Just saw the Dusted review, too.

jenniferpkelly said...

Yes, that was a good review. I was using it as I wrote my questions this morning. We'll see...I'm awfully tired, hope I'm not too zoned to ask follow-ups.