Saturday, March 17, 2012

fIREHOSE hits the road

fIREHOSE is back together again for a limited, West Coast only tour that will end up at Coachcella...Simultaneously Legacy is reissuing the two Columbia records, Flyin' the Flannel from 1991 and Mr. Machinery Operator from 1993, along with assorted live tracks, outtracks and other extras aimed at encouraging a second purchase. I've been listening to the first disc all week, and it's pretty fantastic...two versions of "Down with the Bass," one with singing, the other instrumental, and a whole string of live covers at the end, Wire's "Mannequin," Superchunk's "Slack Motherfucker" and Public Enemy's "Sophisticated Bitch" ...excellent stuff.

Here are the dates...but don't get excited unless you can see the Pacific Ocean from your window (or live in Arizona). Weirdly, they are opening for M. Ward on several occasions, two in Arizona and one in Santa Cruz.

04-05 Sacramento, CA - Harlow's
04-06 Portland, OR - Doug Fir
04-07 Seattle, WA - Neumos
04-09 Bellingham, WA - Wild Buffalo House of Music
04-10 Eugene, OR - WOW Hall
04-11 San Francisco, CA - Slim's
04-12 Santa Cruz, CA - Historic Coconut Grove Ballroom
04-13 Fresno, CA - Fulton 55
04-14 Indio, CA - Coachella Music Festival
04-17 Phoenix, AZ - Crescent Ballroom
04-18 Flagstaff, AZ - Orpheum Theatre
04-19 Tucson, AZ - Plush
04-21 Indio, CA - Coachella Music Festival


michaeldustdevil said...

got tickets for bellingham... can't wait!

jenniferpkelly said...

lucky dog...nothing within a thousand miles of here