Monday, March 15, 2010

Archie Bronson Outfit

So I went through a big stack of promos over the weekend (or maybe it was Thursday night, can't remember), and I don't know why I even bother, because the ones I liked were the ones I thought I'd like and the ones I'd never heard of contained no real pleasant surprises...

But damn, this new Archie Bronson Outfit album Coconuts is super awesome. I'll be reviewing it fairly soon. For now, this video of my favorite tracks:

Other faves, which I'm maybe or maybe not covering (probably not in most cases)

Sightings, City of Straw
Black Tambourine, S-T
The Do, A Mouthful (yeah i've had this for a couple of years, too, but apparently it's just coming out state-side)
Smoke Fairies, Ghosts

Also, exciting news (in the most likely pointless category). I'm trying to get an interview with Mark E. Smith who has somehow put out another really fantastic album called Our Future, Your Clutter...looks doubtful, cross your fingers for me.


michaeldustdevil said...

i've been looking forward to this one...

the MES thing has to happen!!!

jenniferpkelly said...

Do you have it yet? I don't have it with me or I'd send it.

I hope the Fall thing does happen, but I don't think it will.

michaeldustdevil said...

thanks, but i just got it this morning...

cuddlefish said...

I hope the MES interview comes off for you. (Drinking many pints for luck.)

Oh, looking at the track list for Our Future, Your Clutter, is MES covering the Wanda Jackson classic Funnel of Love?

Oh (part 2), good to see that Slumberland is reissuing Black Tambourines.

The madness starts tomorrow.


jenniferpkelly said...

Well, Clif you're going for both of us, so see a bunch of awesome stuff, okay?

I'm looking at the local show sked and the only thing that looks even vaguely interesting is PiL, but god knows what that means in 2010.

Ian said...

Good luck with Mark E. Smith... I had heard nothing about the new Fall record, but the local used record shop just got a bunch of old Fall in for me (now I just have to listen through Seminal Live et al to decide if they're any good...).

jenniferpkelly said...

Clif, forgot to mention -- yes on the Wanda Jackson cover, insane, isn't it?

Ian, I'm pretty sure we have Seminal Live somewhere and it was never one of my favorites, but the fall's kind of like pizza, even the bad stuff is still pretty good. (Now I'm going to get an email from Michael about using the word "bad" in a Fall post.)

michaeldustdevil said...

but it has "Pinball Machine" on it!... for that alone it gains "crucial" status...

Ian said...
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Ian said...

I'm trying very hard to not just buy anything by the Fall (I will admit to buying this twice after too-hastily selling it the first time), but I do own about, hmm... a dozen albums or compilations (including that Peel Session box set), so clearly I'm with you on the Fall/pizza analogy.

jenniferpkelly said...

That Peel box is awesome.