Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Brilliant Colors

Nice long weekend, how about you? I’ve decided to run the Vermont City Marathon in Burlington this spring (May 30) and while I haven’t really started training yet, I’ve definitely jacked up the mileage a bit, which feels pretty good, though I’ve been falling asleep more.

We had some snow yesterday, maybe four to six inches, then it turned warm and sunny….Currier and Ives weather, really, nice after all that bitter cold. Oh, and we’re almost done watching the first season of Fringe on DVD. Have you seen this? It’s so fun, sort of like X Files. I’ll be sad when we get the last one.

Here’s a review of Brilliant Colors Introducing, which ran late last week in Blurt.

As the first saw-toothed guitar chords of "Absolutely Anything" splinter into rainbow colored dissonance, you'll be carried back three decades, reminiscing not just about girl punks like the Slits and Raincoats, but the sloppy, fuzzy anthems of the Buzzcocks. It's the best song on concise, blistering Introducing, the SF all-female trio's first full-length, but just by a hair. "English Cities" is almost as rackety sweet, and "Over There" piles on the "Jail Guitar Doors" guitar clangor of the Clash.


“Absolutely Anything”

Let's all cross our fingers about Massachusetts, yes? Be a terrible thing if a vote from Teddy Kennedy's old seat doomed health care.


michaeldustdevil said...

this is really good!

Ian said...

Fringe is great. There's been some fun stuff in the second season so far.

jenniferpkelly said...

Hi, Michael. I like it, too.

And Ian, cool, but don't tell me any specifics, I have to wait for the DVD.