Thursday, December 31, 2009


Been catching up on promos the last couple of days…good new stuff from Pit Er Pat, Retribution Gospel Choir, Citay and (possibly my favorite) a London post-punk trio called Wetdog, which sounds like a skuzzier, low-fi-er take on Delta 5 or the Raincoats.

Here’s a video of the first single “Lower Leg”. The album – looks like their second – is called Fraushaus and it’s coming January 12 on Captured Tracks.

Off for a run and then First Night in Northampton. Have a happy, safe new year’s eve!


michaeldustdevil said...

oh yes... like that... just found it, thanks for shining the light... again...

jenniferpkelly said...

Good isn't it?

I'm stuck here working unfortunately, no Northampton today.

cuddlefish said...

Just found an advance of the Wetdog album and enjoyed it very much.

Thanks Jenny!

jenniferpkelly said...

It's pretty varied, isn't it? I mean, it's not like they're just doing one thing over and over again.