Friday, April 17, 2009

chrome cranks

oh hell yes, happy friday...

A retrospective, The Murder of Time: 1993-1996, is in the works at Bang! Records. Chrome Cranks are doing a few shows this spring, too, mostly relevant if you live in NYC or Lyon, France

May 2 Backstage Studio Productions, Kingston, NY.
(w/ Frankie & His Fingers, Venture Lift)
May 8 Santo’s Party House, New York, NY (w/ The Friggs)
May 15 Glasslands Gallery. Brooklyn, NY.
(w/ Woman, Headless Hookers, Brownbird Rudy Relic + special guest DJ)
May 22 Nuits Sonores Festival in Lyon, France
(w/ Boss Hogg, the Drones, Holly Golightly)


michaeldustdevil said...

i was mates with these guys...

jenniferpkelly said...

Thought you might know them...right time and place.

I'd think about going if there were a Boston show.